The Power of Aspirational Vision

This past lecture on aspirational visions and strategic stretch goals was a very practical approach that I feel should be applied in all organizations across the for-profit and non-profit sectors. I strongly agree that aspirational visions can really guide organizations toward their mission accomplishment, and can truly push performance beyond what an analytical mindset thought possible. Complementing this concept, Professor Sheehan’s revised model of SMART goals to include the “Almost Impossible” approach to setting goals can really take organizations further than simply striving to complete “Attainable” goals. Not only does this foster innovation and creativity, but as mentioned this also gives meaning and motivation to everyday tasks.

There was recently an article in the Huffington Post that highlighted some of these concepts, specifically in the non-profit sector. The article entitled, “5 Reasons for Hope From a Gathering of Nonprofit Leaders”  describes some of the highlights from this years Nonprofit Management Institute conference hosted by SSIR. Reason #2 explains “how aspirational communication changes history”. Although it focuses on aspirational communication as opposed to aspirational vision, I feel that the same principles apply.

The speaker specifically cites the Ford Foundations slogan and how much aspirational communication can “enlist supporters to join a battle for a better world.” This closely parallels a statement Professor Sheehan mentions in his book, in the similar context of aspirational visions. He states that, “all we can do is dream our dreams, share them broadly, and work together with those who are inspired to pursue those dreams with us” (Sheehan 2010).

I feel that aspirational visions and communications are truly the vehicles that allow us to inspire others to join our cause. They are of critical importance for any firm, especially in the non-profit sector, and can make all the difference in an organizations ability to close their mission gap.

-Rahul S.


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1 Response to The Power of Aspirational Vision

  1. robsheehan says:

    Thanks for the link to the Huff Post article – very interesting. I think you are right about both aspirational communicating and visioning. As human beings, we have hopes and dreams about the future. Taping into that, I believe, allows us to fully express our humanity and talent. Nice blog!

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